What is “church-wide Bible reading?

Church wide-Bible reading is an initiative at First Baptist Church to unite the body around the reading of scripture. Not only to read scripture daily, but to be reading the same scriptures daily as the rest of the FBC family. This endeavor has three main goals:

  • In the early church, scriptures were not available to individuals but a single copy was often kept in the synagogue. The reading of that day’s scripture was an opportunity for the community to come together to hear from God. While we have unhindered access to God’s Word, we want to foster a same sense of communal hunger for His scriptures through reading the same text day to day.

  • We believe that by reading the same scriptures daily, will aid in the unity of the body. By knowing what others have read that week will foster opportunity for discussion and ability to easily share what God has been doing in the lives of each other.

  • Life happens and we can all to easily be pulled away from spending time with God through His Word. By having a corporate reading plan, we can encourage one another to spend time in the Word.


Will you join us in the adventure?

Read Along With Us!

Want to start, catch up, or see what today’s scripture reading is? You’re in the right place!

Check out our Google calendar to find out what today’s scripture reading is — https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?ctz=America/Chicago&src=2cbb364a061ac3f6e0ad3cede5451a527785165808c1a11252e377bed15c5b7d@group.calendar.google.com

 Helpful Study Tools

When it comes to studying the Bible, there are many ways and resources available, a blessing from God we should not discount. As we read through the Bible together, here are some helpful resources that can aid in your study.


Quiet Time Walkthrough

In this video, Paster Bert walks through how he studies God’s Word on a daily basis. This is a great place to start if you’re new to having a quiet time or need some guidance.


Apps and Online Resources

With the advancement of technology, there has been a plethora of great tools developed and easy to access to aid in your study. Below are a few that could help you.


YouVersion Bible App

This app is an all around aid in bringing the Bible with you wherever you go. Access multiple versions, audio, and more from this single app. You can also access this online from your computer.

Bible.is App

This app and ministry is another great resource, especially for audio content. Available in multiple versions and languages, this app also has captivating audio for easier and more engaging Scripture listening. You can also listen online from your computer.